Carbon assessment and compliance strategy
While climate change can no longer be disputed, a vast majority of the business community acknowledge that climate change is a reality, with potential risks and opportunities. Anticipating the long-term direct and indirect implications, grasping the opportunities generated by climate change risks have become topics that business managers will deal with from now on.
Identifying risks and opportunities must flow from an understanding of the company's greenhouse gases footprint in the context of a current and future carbon-constrained society and economy.
Turning risk into opportunity can only be done by real experts.

eco2ro team of experts will help you:

• Analyze the greenhouse gases emissions profile, by employing the most appropriate inventory tool throughout the value chain
• Assess the exposure to carbon constraint and its effects on the company's product and service lines
• Recommend the best method for emissions tracking and measurement, no matter how complex the task may be
• Develop greenhouse gas emissions projections on different time spans, personalized for the Client's activities, and financial capacity
• Identify adaptation strategies for the Client susceptible of being affected by physical, climate-related risks
• Evaluate options for technical solutions that will reduce the greenhouse gas emissions all-along the supply chain
• Recommend cost-effective strategic initiatives for greenhouse gas emission reductions, on-system or off-system
• Identify opportunities for developing new climate-related products and services the Client may add to it's business portfolio
• Find the most effective methods to engage the company staff in reaching the climate goals.

If your Company operates at least one installation falling under the scope of Directive 2003/87/EC, then compliance is mandatory. By developing scenarios for your activity and incurring emissions and relying on the expertise our experts gained on the carbon market, we will find the right path for reaching the goal.

Depending on the carbon price evolution, the predicted level of emissions and technical means of reducing them, we will ensure our Client will be in full-compliance on April 30th in a cost-effective manner.

By taking advantage of our Partners long-time experience: GreenPartners, Carbon Pool Europe, Wallich & Matthes, our Company will support you:
• Determine the best moment to trade your allowances, either selling or buying
• Swap your allowances for credits from CDM or JI projects (CER or ERU), at a maximum price spread
Originate CDM projects in Non-Annex I countries, so your Company may act as an Investor and gain cost-effective CER for later use for compliance under EU-ETS
Carbon offsetting projects
To effectively address the threat of climate change, comprehensive and stringent policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions are required. Voluntary individual and corporate climate action are just as essential for creating the public awareness needed for taking the right actions.

Voluntary offset schemes aim at generating greenhouse gas emissions reductions not required by Kyoto Protocol's derived regulation. Through these schemes, industries and individuals voluntarily compensate their emissions or provide an additional contribution to mitigating climate change.

The voluntary carbon markets enable businesses, governments, NGOs, and individuals to reduce their carbon footprint by purchasing offsets that were created either through CDM or in the voluntary market.

Unlike the Kyoto project-based mechanisms, voluntary offset schemes do not have a unique overseeing authority, a common set of rules, procedures and standards, or a centralized registry. Instead, a number of independent protocols, standards, verification procedures and registries have emerged trying to guarantee the quality of the offsets traded in the market.

For Clients willing to reduce their carbon footprint by means of voluntary offset schemes, we are happy to support them in their activities, by:

• Identifying eligible, additional, sustainable projects, according to the Voluntary Standard provisions
• Assessing the emission reductions to be obtain by the project implementation, based on a reasonable, documented baseline establishment
• Determine eventual leakages of the project activities
• Developing the required documentation, according to applicable standard provisions
• Supporting the project developers trough out the validation and certification of the project and commercialization of the offsets
Development of Kyoto Protocol Projects
For Clients involved in the compliance market, either project developers or investors, our experts will use their proven expertise for the successful implementation of CDM, Track 1 or Track 2 JI projects, by means of:

• Preparing the Project Idea Note
• Providing consultancy services for obtaining the Letter of Endorsement
• Preparing of the Project Design Document
• Finding interested ERU buyers assessing the best price offer for the project developer
• Identifying available and sectoral-scope suitable validators (Designated Operational or Accredited Independent Entities)
• Consultancy services for obtaining the Letter of Approval
• Advisory services regarding Emission Reduction Purchase Agreement
• Elaboration of the Monitoring Report in full compliance with the monitoring methodology
• Supporting the project developer for a fast determination of reported emission reduction units by the validator
Ensuring the project participants understand and adopt the national procedure steps for a fast delivery of the ERUs/CERs.
Urban carbon management
Recent years have witnessed an increasing importance of urban responses to climate change, with the gradual involvement of global cities political leaders in climate change policy.

Considering the estimations of 6 billion people living in urban areas by 2050, the increasing scarcity of natural resources and climate change indubitable effects, cities must become sustainable.

Local authorities have a decisive role to play in implementing legislation and improving the environmental performance of a city. The best performing cities have developed integrated approaches to urban management where routine decisions are guided by a strategic vision and objectives. These can improve quality of life and the city's economic performance, which in turn can attract new residents and businesses.

eco2ro team of experts can support the authorities in their action plans, by integrating the following activities:

• Identifying sources of greenhouse gases at municipality level
• Emissions accounting, by sources
• Proposing strategies for tackling the environmental challenges
• Assessing effective measures for greenhouse gasses mitigation
• Recommending an integrated approach for urban environmental management
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